Quick and accurate repair service for freezer
anytime, anywhere in Kyushu!
Based on our database of over 3,500 repairs to freezers per year, we are able to respond quickly and accurately.
Hiraiwa Netsugaku handles all manufacturers’ freezers, so naturally our employees are well versed in the freezers of all manufacturers.
Hiraiwa Netsugaku’s strength is our technical capability to repair freezing equipment of all manufacturers.
We can repair refrigeration units of allmakes quickly and accurately!
Fifty percent of all refrigeration repair requests are due to leaks of gas, the refrigerant.
Some refrigerants, such as ammonia, are toxic and dangerous, so repairing them is dangerous unless you are an expert.
We at Hiraiwa Netsugaku have technicians who are experienced with all types of refrigerants.
There are many specialized parts of commercial freezer repair, such as dealing with the electrical system, so you can rest assured that you can trust us.
Trouble with a freezer can happen suddenly, regardless of whether it is late at night or early in the morning.
Trouble with a freezer can happen suddenly, regardless of whether it is late at night or early in the morning.
We believe that the customers are so anxious because their precious products are contained in the freezer.
Hiraiwa Netsugaku supports customers quickly and accurately.
We have multiple locations in the Kyushu area and staff who can provide technical support, so as soon as we receive a call, we can visit the site and quickly restore the system.
The fact that Hiraiwa Netsugaku can repair all manufacturers’ freezers is a great advantage also for our customers.
Whenever there is a problem with a freezing equipment, don’t hesitate to contact Hiraiwa Netsugaku, then we can solve the problem.
Whenever there is a problem with a freezing equipment, don’t hesitate to contact Hiraiwa Netsugaku, then we can solve the problem.
We will visit you as soon as we receive your call.

Kagoshima Branch
7413-1 Godai-cho,Satsumasendai-shi,KagoshimaGoogle Map
TEL 0996-22-0702
FAX 0996-22-0703

Miyazaki Branch
5997 Tohoku-cho, Miyakonojo-shi,Miyazaki
Google Map
TEL 0986-36-7982
FAX 0986-36-7983

West Japan Branch
802-13 Tashirodaikanmachi, Tosu City,SagaGoogle Map
TEL 0942-50-5717
FAX 0942-50-5718
WORK FLOWFreezer repair flow

Freezer repair flow
If you have any trouble with the freezer, please feel free to call our nearest branch office in Kyushu. Our technical staff will be happy to help you. We hear very carefully which manufacturer, problem situation for immediate recovery.

Inspection / repair
We based on completeness hearings, situation survey, our great technician who has solid technology, knowledge and experience does inspections and repairs. Freezer needs quick repair.
We will repair it speedily and complete it until the operation is restarted.

Repair explanation
After the repair is completed, the technician will explain the troubles that occurred and the details of the repair. We will do perfect follow-up for long-term operation.